Michelle Danyluk becomes IAFP’s president for the 2022-2023 term

3 August 2022

We are proud to announce that ICMSF member, Michelle Danyluk assumed the presidency of the International Association for Food Protection at the conclusion of IAFP 2022 in Pittsburgh, USA.

An IAFP Member since 2002, the Michelle has organised, convened, and presented several IAFP symposia. She actively participates in the IAFP’s Professional Development Groups (PDGs) and has served on several committees, including the Program Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Food Protection Trends Management Committee, and various Awards Selection Committees, records the Association.

Background information

Each year, the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) hosts an Annual Meeting, providing attendees with information on current and emerging food safety issues, the latest science, innovative solutions to new and recurring problems, and the opportunity to network with thousands of food safety professionals from around the globe. Held in various locations throughout North America, this meeting has grown over the years to become the leading food safety conference worldwide. IAFP 2022 was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

For more information about the event, visit the meeting website.

In this section

The outgoing President Ruth Petran (left) handed over the gavel to the incoming President, Michelle Danyluk.

The outgoing President Ruth Petran (left) handed over the gavel to the incoming President, Michelle Danyluk.