The ICMSF is a scientific advisory body that provides information through extensive study, and makes recommendations without prejudice based on that information. Results of the studies are published as books, discussion documents, or refereed papers.
An overview of all the papers published by members and previous members can be found here.
Contributions by current and former ICMSF members to the Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA) series of FAO/WHO’s JEMRA can be found here.
Publication specifically published as ICMSF- related contributions:
A Hazard Does Not Always Equate to a Risk: Cronobacter is a rare
opportunistic pathogen and the greatest risk is only for a small
sub-population of infants and only associated with powdered infant
formula or human breast milk
John A. Donaghy, Marcel H. Zwietering, Jeffrey M. Farber, for ICMSF (2025)
Effectiveness of an increasingly stringent microbiological process hygiene
criterion to control Campylobacter in broiler carcasses
Marcel H. Zwietering, Wayne Anderson, Jeffrey M. Farber, Leon G.M. Gorris, Heidy M.W. den Besten (2023)
Big Data Impacting Dynamic Food Safety Risk Management in the Food Chain
John Donaghy, Michelle Danyluk, Tom Ross, Bobby Krishna and Jeff Farber (2021)
Alternative approaches to the risk management of Listeria monocytogenes in low risk foods
Farber et al. (2021)
Paper – Annexure 1 – Annexure 2
SARS-CoV-2 and Risk to Food Safety
Anelich et al. (2020)
ICMSF opinion on SARS-CoV-2 and its relationship to food safety
ICMSF (2020)
Usefulness of testing for Clostridium botulinum in powdered infant formula and dairy-based ingredients for infant formula
ICMSF (2014)
Validation of control measures in a food chain using the FSO concept
Zwietering MH, Stewart CM, Whiting RC, ICMSF (2010)
Food Control 21:1716-1722
Paper on ScienceDirect
Relating microbiological criteria to food safety objectives and performance objectives
van Schothorst, M., Zwietering, M., Ross, T., Buchanan B., Cole, M.
Food Control, 20:967-979.
ICMSF (2009)
Use of epidemiologic data to measure the impact of food safety control programs
ICMSF (2006)
Food Control 17:825–837
Paper on ScienceDirect
A simplified guide to understanding and using food safety objectives and performance objectives
ICMSF (2005)
Papers presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Food Hygiene in October 2003
ICMSF (2004)
Published as communications in Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene 95(1). They can be downloaded below for personal use. Copyright remains with the journal.
Principles of risk analysis as applied to microbial food safety concerns – Buchanan, B
Food safety objectives – concept and current status – Cole, M
Performance objectives and performance criteria – two sides of the food chain – Gorris, L
Microbiological criteria – purpose and limitations – Cordier, J-L
Microbiological sampling plans – statistical aspects – Dahms, S
Environmental sampling – a tool to verify the effectiveness of preventive hygienic measure – Tompkin, B
Application of the food safety objective concept to the problem of aflatoxins in peanuts – Pitt, J
How to meet an FSO – Control of Listeria monocytogenes in the smoked fish industry – Gram, L
Principles for the establishment of microbiological food safety objectives and related control measures
ICMSF, M van Schothorst, Secretary (1998)
Food Control 9(6): 379–384
Paper on ScienceDirect
Report from the ICMSF: Prevention and control of foodborne salmonellosis through application of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)
Simonsen B, Bryan FL, Christian JHB, Roberts TA, Tompkin RB, Silliker JH (1987)
Int J Food Microbiol 4: 227–247
Paper on ScienceDirect
Report from the ICMSF: Prevention and control of foodborne salmonellosis through application of the hazard analysis critical control point system
Simonsen B, Bryan FL, Christian JHB, Roberts TA, Silliker JH, Tompkin RB) (1986)
WHO/CDS/VPH/86.65, World Health Organization, Geneva
Paper on WHO website
Microbiological Criteria for Foods (Summary of recommendations of FAO/WHO expert consultations and working groups 1975-1981)
Christian JHB (1983)
WHO/VPH/83.54, World Health Organization, Geneva
Paper on WHO website
The microbiology of specific frozen foods in relation to public health: report of an international committee
Thatcher FS (1963)
Journal of Applied Bacteriology 26:266–285
Paper on Society for Applied Bacteriology website